Biomedical Outpatient Clinic 
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Our Health Care Team - Outreach Manager

As Mensah Medical’s Outreach Manager, Cecily Walsh, A.S.P.T., M.T., is responsible for coordinating Mensah Medical’s U.S. Outreach Clinics in Arizona, California and Maryland and setting the original clinical standards to deliver seamless patient care at our off-site clinic locations.


Cecily worked for the former Pfeiffer Treatment Center (now closed) for 10 years as the laboratory manager. This position enabled her to utilize her skills in metabolic chemistry.  It is at Pfeiffer Treatment Center where she developed an outreach program to serve its patients throughout the country.


For many years, Cecily worked for Muscatine Development Corporation as assistant director promoting economic growth for Muscatine, Iowa.  She also was manager of the hospital billing audit department for Preferred Payment Systems in Naperville, Illinois.


Cecily brings to Mensah Medical her dedication to exemplary patient care and her impressive organizational skills. In her free time, Cecily indulges her passions for travel and golf.

For scheduling an appointment at one of our U.S. Outreach Clinics, please contact 630.256.8308.